Friday, February 8, 2008

Proteins: Fact File

Proteins are compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. These elements combine to form strings of amino acids. Protein can help you lose fat. Protein is harder for your body to digest than fat or carbohydrates. It requires more energy for your body to digest protein and hence, you burn more calories with protein. Our body uses protein to build, repair and maintain almost all of the tissue in your body. It gives support that your body needs to gain muscle and lose fat. It helps to build muscles which intern helps to burn the fat. Protein also has the highest thermo effect of all the macronutrients. Take proteins through turkey, egg whites, fish, tuna and skinless, boneless chicken breasts. Protein falls into the class of nutrients called “macronutrients.” Other macronutrients are carbohydrates and fat. Protein is an appetite suppressant. Because of protein’s ability to help maintain muscle, you should burn fat at a faster rate than muscle.

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