Friday, April 18, 2008

Exercise and women: The Real Unbeatable Challenge.

We all know that exercise is supposed to be good for us. But regular exercise has unique importance in the lives of women. If we could put the benefits of exercise in a little pill, we’d be popping them every day!

Regular physical activity has been associated with the following benefits:

• Reduces risk of developing non-insulin dependent diabetes, a new American health epidemic associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle;

• Lowers the incidence or progression of colon cancer and may have a preventive effect on other types of cancer as well;

• Improves balance, prevents falls and helps you to stay independent as you age;

• Improves sleep patterns;

• Increases energy;

• Can decrease the symptoms of osteoarthritis if performed properly;

• Reduces risk of developing cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in women;

• Prevents weight gain, helps with weight loss and is critical in keeping the fat off once you’ve lost it;

• Lowers risk of osteoporosis and builds bone or slows bone loss;

• Enhances your overall mood and feelings of well-being;

• Increases stamina, strength and flexibility; allowing you to perform a variety of work, home and recreational activities;

• Helps you to live longer (Really!) and increases fun, confidence, camaraderie, pride, relaxation, sense of achievement and more…

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