Sunday, January 6, 2008

Burning Calories in Freezing Weather

Burning Calories in Freezing Weather

By Lauren Showers, Team oxygenfit

When the temperature drops so too does the motivation to move. Don't let the cold weather squash your fitness inspiration this season. Use the strategies below to keep your fire for fitness burning, even as the icicles grow outside your window.

Spice it up - Add a little variety into your exercise routine. Don't limit yourself as to where you can burn calories. Lace up your skates when it's too cold, dark or wet to run outside. Ice skating is a sure way to get your heart pumping and allow for some fun while doing it. Hit the slopes for a weekend of skiing and snowboarding with friends and tone your legs at the same time. Shovel the ice off your driveway or even have a snowball fight, whatever it is, keep moving this winter and don't let the dropping temperatures take your motivation down with it.

No gym required - When the weather freezes your motivation to face the cold, it can have grave effects on the consistency of your workouts. Make your home into your very own calorie burning studio by using very little equipment and various body weight movements. Winter workout necessities simply include a stability ball, bands, and light to moderate weights. With these tools and using various body weight exercises such as push ups, squats, lunges, and crunches you can get an effective workout in the comfort of your own living room.

Expand your wardrobe - Getting a new pair of running shoes, heart rate monitor or cute sports bra always tends to boost our desire to hit the gym as if the new item allows us to push harder than before. Utilize this power for your own benefit and treat yourself to a new pair of warm workout pants, and maybe even a jacket to match. Before you know it, you'll be in keeping warm and looking cool sporting your new outfit in the gym.

Team up - It is much easier to tell yourself that you are going to skip today's workout, than to tell a friend who is counting on you to be there. Buddy up with your fitness routine to increase your consistency during the winter months. Set a time and day you and a friend will workout together on a weekly basis. This "appointment" will help both of you stay on track.

Pack for Success - Our intentions for the next day's accomplishments, including , are always more intense than the moment we wake up dreading to leave the warmth of our beds. Use this time of high personal expectations the day before to pack and prepare for success the next day. Prepare your healthy meals and gym bag with everything needed so that when you wake, no thinking is required. Getting into this type of routine and making it a lifestyle adjustment will be extremely beneficial during any season of the year.

Even when it seems like Mr. Frost is doing all he can to keep us from working out, there is always a way to win. By simply changing up your routine, working out at home, using the buddy system and preparing in advance you are sure to stay fit this winter.

In Health and Pure Joy,

Lauren Showers, Team oxygenfit

P.T, Certified by American Council on Exercise,

Fitness journalist & model

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